The Ministry of Industry and Trade again proposed to abolish rice export quotas

Xuat Khau Gao

Rice exports may be normal again, not limited to quotas from May 1, under the new proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In a document sent to the Prime Minister today (April 27), the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to stop the mechanism of operating under quotas, instead allowing the normal export of rice from May 1. This proposal was made by the Ministry in the context of stable supply – demand of rice in the country, with the aim of extending the rice export schedule to ensure national food security when difficulties have been achieved.

According to a report by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the volume of winter-spring rice can be exported about 3.2 million tons, including the “overlapping” amount from the previous year. In the upcoming Summer-Autumn crop, the production is estimated at 11 million tons of rice, of which the Mekong River Delta is 8.7 million tons, so the amount of rice that can be exported is 2.3-2.4 million tons.

With this output, 1.3 million tons can be exported from early May to mid-June. The Ministry of Industry and Trade said that if May export 700,000 tons, there will be at least 600,000 tons of rice in the first half of June, before the additional supply from the Summer-Autumn harvest. “This is a fundamental difference in the supply and demand of rice compared to the end of March,” the Ministry of Industry and Trade commented.


However, in order to maintain food security in the “new normal state”, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed that the Prime Minister continue to only export rice via international border gates (road, rail, sea, etc.). waterway, by air) and strictly enforces cross-border smuggling of rice.

At the same time, the agency said it would urge traders to export rice to comply with Decree 107, ensuring a circulation reserve of at least 5% of the rice exported 6 months ago; pledge to supply immediately to the domestic if required by the Government. The 20 largest rice exporters have signed agreements with at least one supermarket system to ensure supply of a 5% circulation reserve when required.

In case the trader does not maintain the circulation reserve as prescribed, or does not fulfill the signed commitment , the Ministry will revoke the rice export business certificate.

The General Department of Customs today said it has just canceled the export declarations of 53,300 tons of rice registered on April 12 (one day after the resumption of rice export) due to the failure to produce goods for checking after 15 days.

Up to 19h today – after 15 days of businesses registering for export, nearly 233,500 tons have been cleared, equivalent to 58% of April quota. From 0h tomorrow (April 28), enterprises can continue to post. sign rice export declaration form with a quota of 53,321 on the customs system.

A month ago, at a meeting on food security, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to stop exporting rice to the end of May due to concerns about the situation of Covid-19 and the drought in the Mekong Delta. This proposal was later approved by the Prime Minister and from 0:00 on 24/3, customs stopped customs clearance.

But one day later, the Ministry of Industry and Trade petitioned the Prime Minister to export rice again . On April 10, the Prime Minister allowed the export of rice according to the quota of 400,000 tons in April. Many enterprises said that the customs office allowed to open the export declaration at 0:00 on Sunday (April 12) without notice, which caused many Another enterprise, despite having a large volume of rice, was kept at the port due to export bans.

Government Inspectorate is inspecting rice export at the request of the Prime Minister. The National Assembly’s Economic Committee proposes to handle organizations and individuals advising on influential decisions but does not carefully evaluate the impact in operating this item.

Source vnExpress-28/04/2020