Air transportation Service

What is the cargo transport service by air ?

Transporting hight-valuable goods and other cargos requeires higt safety and urgent time that air transportation service is a prestigious service which can solve any problems well for you.

Air transportation Service

Operation network has be corvered aroud the world.

Navilink  specialize in providing air cargo from Tan Son Nhat, Da Nang and Noi Bai airport to all airport worldwide and vice versa through angency contracts signed with arilines such as Cathay pacific ( CX), China Airline (CI), Korea Airline (KE), China Southern (CZ), Malaysia Airline (MH)….

Our air transportation service are providing such as :

  • Air transportation service is from Vietnam to other contries in the world .
  • Import cargo transportation service is from all of airports in the world to Tan Son Nhat and Noi Bai airpots in Vietnam.
  • Domestic cargo transportation service is from Tan Son Nhat ( SGN) to Da Nang ( DAD ), Noi Bai ( HAN ) with the shortest time.

We always high effort to solve your problems:

  • We aim to connect reputable airlines with direct customers in order to walk abreast with customers in solving problems by the most reasonable way.
  • Our company have currently conscientious , enthusiasm employees who answer your query well and fastest . On the other hand , we always find forward-looking solution and ceaselessly change the method transport to the better and better transportation.