The Prime Minister allows the export of medical masks

Xuat Khau Khau Trang

Covid-19 medical masks, protective gear and preventive medical devices are exported with uncontrolled export, provided that domestic demand is ensured.

On April 15, the Government Office announced the conclusion of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the Government’s Standing Committee on Covid-19 Prevention and Control. Accordingly, the Government leaders agreed to export medical masks, protective uniforms and medical equipment to prevent and control epidemics on the principle of ensuring sufficient domestic demand (including reserves). In addition, these items are only allowed to export to countries heavily affected by Covid-19.

According to Resolution 20 on the regime of granting export licenses with Covid-19 medical masks, medical masks and protective gear are subject to export control of 25%. The Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Health to urgently submit to the Government to amend this regulation , creating conditions for the export of the above items.

The Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related agencies to quickly handle this “do not miss the opportunity” when the need for medical masks, epidemic prevention equipment in some countries and regions. very big.

The production of masks and epidemic preventive medicine has become a booming industry in many countries, including China and Vietnam. In addition to antimicrobial cloth masks, many textile enterprises have quickly invested in additional production lines of medical masks, protective clothing, and received a number of orders from European countries, America.

According to data of the Ministry of Health, there are currently about 68 enterprises producing medical masks and protective clothing to prevent epidemics. A number of textile and apparel enterprises have also started shifting to importing production lines of these items, such as May 10, TNG …

The leader of May 10 Corporation said that 400 million medical masks will be delivered to foreign partners by this business in July. TNG also plans to produce from the middle of May. source of domestically produced materials with the above items, this quantity basically meets the domestic demand.

In addition, Vietnam has successfully produced waterproof cloth masks (masks 870) which are highly appreciated by many countries.

Source vnExpress – April 15, 2020